My journey started during my pregnancy with my son Jarrah. I wanted to find natural alternatives to some of the products I was using to help protect my unborn child. I did hours and hours of research and was shocked at the amount of unnecessary harsh chemicals and synthetic ingredients that were included in the everyday products we were using.
One piece of information that really struck me was the number of studies that were conducted on pregnant women in determining how the exposures to environmental pollutants in the womb may increase the risk of adverse health effects (Morello-Frosch et al., 2016). Most of these studies found over 200 or more chemicals in newborn umbilical cord blood (Goodman, 2009). This absolutely blew my mind that our unborn children are exposed to such high amounts of environment toxins before they are even born.
I slowly made changes to the products we were using within our household, and began to learn how to make certain household and body products for myself. One of the first products I changed was my deodorant, now using an all natural product as our arm pits are full of lymph nodes and absorb anything that is put there. Next was perfume, WOW the amount of chemicals in the perfumes we consume is horrendous. It is even suggested to stay away from perfumes when trying to conceive as this affects our hormones. Shame on the perfume industry.
One day my partner said to me "why don't you sell the products you're making, people need to know about this low-tox stuff for their families" and from then the idea of 'Natural Home & Body' was born.
So it is our mission to provide all natural, simple and non-toxic products for your home and body, making the transition to low-toxic less stressful and allowing you to reduce the amount of unnecessary environmental toxins and harsh chemicals for yourself and your family.
Our exclusive NH&B products are handmade with love right here in Australia with quality pure essential oils, pure absolute oils, with added skin-loving ingredients so you can say no to synthetic fragrances, harsh chemicals and any other unnecessary BS that should not be in our everyday products.
Goodman, S. (2009). Scientific American. Tests find more than 200 chemicals in newborn umbilical cord blood. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/newborn-babies-chemicals-exposure-bpa/
Morello-Frosch, R., Cushing, L. J., Jesdale, B. M., Schwartz, J. M., Guo, W., Guo, T., Wang, M., Harwani, S., Petropoulou, S-s. E., Duong, W., Park, J-S., Petreas, M., Gajek, R., Alvaran, J., She, J., Dobraca, D., Das, R., & Woodruff, T. J. (2016). Environmental chemical in an urban population of pregnant women and their newborns from San Francisco. Environ Sci Technol, 50(22), 12464-12472. http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.6b03492